Teams & Codes of Conduct

Context Ever found yourself in a new working group, expected to collaborate with a bunch of other people to achieve a common goal, despite the existence of a whole range of factors that will [...]

How To Give Better Feedback

Feeback Tips for Team Leaders Many who take a leadership role in their teams find one of the most challenging responsibilities they face is the need to apply firm, fair and effective guidance to [...]

HR Management vs Talent Development

The Risk in Seeing HR Management as Risk Management In an increasingly regulated and litigious society, Human Resource (HR) Managers have seen their role shift strongly towards management of the [...]

Success Envy

Context The following piece grew out of an email response made to a young entrepreneur who had encountered a negative reaction from a family member to his fast-growing success.Put momentarily off [...]

Di Bella’s Triangle – Perception, Quality, Consistency

Backstory Phillip Di Bella’s story is one of indisputable financial success but for him it was never about “the money”.  Today, with BRW putting his personal wealth at more than $100 million and [...]

When a Business Founder Hires a General Manager

A Word about Business Founders Michael Gerber in The E-Myth said, “Most small business owners are technicians who’ve suffered an entrepreneurial seizure”. It’s a statement with a lot of factual [...]

How To Manage Contractors For Your Business

Learning to Manage Contractors Many contractors may prove, by their behaviour and their lack of backup, of systems and of organisation, to be little more than “employees without [...]

Feedback Tips For Leaders

Many who take a leadership role in their teams find one of the most challenging responsibilities they face is the need to apply firm, fair and effective guidance to a team member. Failing to get [...]

Unskilled and Unaware of It

I’ve just read a paper titled “Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One’s Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-assessments” by Justin Kruger and [...]

Email Policy Essentials

Paperless Workplaces & Email Policy Issues The idea of a “paperless office” was first spruiked in the mid-1960s by marketers positioning IBM’s computers for broader commercial use – and it [...]