Email Marketing Backfires On Bank

Oops!  A UK bank recently alienated 2000 of its richest and most valued customers after deciding to use a new electronic mail system to market a new range of services to them. It had one of its IT staff write a program to search its databases, identify high worth individuals, and then compile a mailing list comprising them.
The programmer ran the selection process and prepared his mailing list, then tested the form letter merge using an imaginary customer called Rich Bastard.  Everything worked to specification – until he pressed the button to merge and send to the mailing list.  Unfortunately the test customer was not removed from the form letter in the final run, resulting in all 2000 clients receiving a letter which opened with “Dear Rich Bastard.”If you need a computer programmer who is prepared to work very cheaply right now, we know where you can find one who recently worked for a major UK bank.
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