Having A Code Of Conduct Is Essential To Business Planning

If you don’t have a written Code of Conduct (or Team Charter) then the people in your team are making it up as they go, and you can expect some painful, and sometimes costly, mistakes.

One of our clients John, an expert in the heavy vehicle service industry, struggled to come up with a Code of Conduct for his technicians and on one attempt borrowed a 30-page code from a 1,400 employee abattoir as his starting point. Reading the original, I bet it would have been a complete mystery to its intended audience of meat workers, and was no clearer to my technically-gifted client!

To push the process back to a simpler base, I emailed John a copy of Robert Fulgum’s Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, and suggested he work from there. What he came up with was simple, straight forward, and perfect for his situation and audience. It went like this:

As professionals at XYZ Truck Repairs we use the following guidelines:

  • We turn up at work 10 minutes before our start time to discuss & plan the day ahead.
  • We dress in our uniforms every day to look neat & tidy.
  • We respect each other’s property & when we borrow tools we return them clean & undamaged. This includes John’s & Company tools and vehicles.
  • We clean up our own mess & help others to do the same to keep the place neat & tidy.
  • We are honest & fair with each other & everyone that we associate with.
  • We own up to our mistakes, learn from them & help to fix them.
  • We don’t bring our pets to work.
  • We treat our customers with respect & offer them as much help as possible, and we strive always to be seen by them as true professionals.
  • We do excellent work & look after our customers’ vehicles in the way that we would want others to look after our own.
  • We don’t operate equipment unless we are licensed.
  • We don’t mess around in working hours. We don’t throw or spit or yell or hit people like school kids. We are professionals & act as such.
  • If we hurt someone we say sorry & help them out – and we report any injuries so that everyone is protected.
  • We finish what we start. If we can’t, we arrange for one of our workmates to complete the job, after telling them where we are up to.
  • We look out for our mates.
  • We enjoy what we do.
  • We stamp our work with Excellence! (Because it rubs off on us!)

What more can I say except, how’s your Team Charter looking?

For more information see this article

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