How We Apply Our Values

In the context of our careers and work, the things we value most are:

We will always be honest in our dealings, and true to our values, to our Code of Conduct and to our promises to, and agreements with, others.


We are committed to “doing business well” and draw deep personal satisfaction from doing so for ourselves, and with our partners and clients.

Team Work

We accept that “Together Everyone Achieves More” and that our teamwork extends to our partners and our clients, and so we seek solutions that ensure all parties to our activities are nurtured by them.


We accept that we are sustained by communities that extend beyond our immediate contacts in business, and will seek to ensure our activities sustain and contribute to those communities in turn.


Our name is “ProfiTune” and, if we are to be effective in teaching others in business to be more profitable, we must “walk our talk”.

Like the pulse of the human body, profit gives life to a business, enabling it to service its clients, nurture its staff, reward its investors and grow its capabilities. Profit is our Key Performance Indicator for the long-term health of our business.


We take great pleasure in the personal and professional growth of every member of our Team, and of everyone with whom we do business..

Balance & Flexibilty

We work to live. We don’t live to work – at least, not all of the time! We value the richness and balance that non-work activities bring us and our families, and our team relationships.

Pleasant Working Environment

We spend more time at work than at any other activity. We value and nurture positive behaviour, and seek to create pleasant, efficient and professional surroundings that support us.


Respect for ourselves guides all of our values while our respect for others guides our relationships with them.

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