Recovering from a Slump

Tips To Get Yourself Out Of A Slump And Back On The Road To Success

Slump – definition – a sudden decline in business, stock prices, or productivity
We’ve all been there, those times when you find yourself unmotivated, directionless, seemingly incapable of doing the tasks that need to be done. Everything just seems too hard, and distractions are just so seductive.

Well, then, enough of that nonsense, let’s have a look at what we can do to move this giant slug of befuddlement and get on with business.

Firstly, understand how the slump has snuck up on you. What sneaky tactics did it use to work its way into your usually productive life? Recently a member of our team found herself in a slump after a particularly busy period of work came abruptly to an end.

“I had been working my proverbial off trying to get a new website set up and new marketing material created and printed as well as all the procedures to accompany the use of these. I was literally waking up in the middle of the night from work related nightmares, that’s how busy I was. Then, one day, it was over, all the work was done, it took me a couple of days of staring aimlessly at my emails and rewriting my tasks list to realise that in the absence of crazy activity I had entered a slump. I found myself unfocused and vague, with no idea of what I should be doing.”

Here are some tips for getting yourself out of a slump;

1) Write it all out – what do you want, what changes are you looking to make, what is your big dream, write reams and reams if you want, don’t stop the creative flow once it gets started.
2) Pick one goal – that’s right, drill it down to just one goal, make it easy to achieve, now is not the time to challenge yourself too much.
3) Break it down into steps – write out all the little steps it will take to achieve this goal, and then number them in order of what needs to be done first.
4) Get organised – what do you need to get it done efficiently, de-clutter your space, do both your work and home if possible so that the sense of moving forward carries through all aspects of your life.
5) Delegate if possible – recruit others to the cause, or outsource to specialists
6) Give yourself a time frame in which to get it done, and try to stick to it!
7) Re-read your goal and tasks several times a day to keep you focussed. If you find yourself slipping off into the land of YouTube or Facebook, then it is time to read your goal and tasks again.
8) Look at the other areas in your life that have been pushed off to the side and start to integrate them back into your daily routine. This might be as simple as walking the dog, or getting your receipts filed.
9) Congratulate yourself on a job well-done. Every time you achieve something, even the small stuff, give yourself a pat on the back and tell yourself (and anyone else within ear shot) just how awesome you truly are!

Remember that there’s an ebb and flow. Motivation is not a constant thing that is always there for you. It comes and goes, and comes and goes again, like the tide.

We’d love to hear some of your tips for getting out of a slump, jump onto our facebook page and let us know what you’ve found that works.

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