Simple Steps For Your Personal Health

If you own/manage a small or medium business, you are working around 25% more hours than you were 10 years ago – and using an older (and probably less fit) body to do it with!

Run any piece of machinery on the wrong fuel or without the correct maintenance for too long, and something will give. If you skip breakfast, fuel your work with sugar and caffeine, and pull it all together at night with a few drinks and a good roast, you are running on empty – and putting on weight.

Eat a cereal and fruit breakfast, eat a bread-based lunch and dine lightly on protein and vegetables at night for one week and check the difference. To extend your life by one third, eat one third less – all of the time!

Do at least 40 minutes of structured exercise that raises a light skin sweat, 3 times a week, to stop the machinery from rusting.

Use it or lose it was never truer than when said of your body.

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