Solving the People Puzzle

Book Synopsis

Why are so few employees team players? Why is one person in five actively sabotaging your business? Why do three in five do the absolute minimum that it takes not to get fired? What does it take to motivate some people?

Are people the problem – or could it be you?

Maybe it’s just a case of finding the right people? They are out there – but research shows they could be as few as 20% of the labour market. How do you identify them? Better: How do you attract them to you?

Imagine what it would be like if you could harness the ability, intelligence and talent of every person on your team, a direct them laser-like towards achieving your goals and the Vision for your business.

Solve your people puzzle and you can have it all: A brilliant, motivated team; a positive, uplifting and harmonious workplace; huge productivity; capability to deliver world’s best products and services; growing profits; and the deep, deep satisfaction that comes from knowing you’re now on the right path.

Want it all? Start here by Solving the People Puzzle.

WIIFM? (What’s In It For Me?)

Reading this book you’ll learn:

  1. Why, when your people are clear on the values in your business, they don’t need rules to handle new and challenging situations perfectly.
  2. The real purpose of your Vision and Mission statements, and why getting them right is the second item on any leader’s Job Description.
  3. Why attracting the right people is actually easier to achieve than finding them, and what you have to do for the right people to find you.
  4. There is a real-life Matrix in every workplace which, until you crack the code and understand it, will frustrate every attempt you make towards improved people performance.
  5. The real-world secrets to motivating half the people on the labour market; the reasons why the other half can’t and won’t be motivated by you; and how to tell the difference between them.

Excerpt from Chapter 5 (Understanding the Matrix)

Dealing with the challenges of identifying and leading your ideal people.

If the findings of an international employee poll that has been conducted with more than 1.5m people since 2000 is anything to go by, there are 6 distinct categories of people working in your business right now, but it’s only the good folk in just one of those categtories who add value to your business. Another of the categories is working diligently to destroy any value that the first group is building, and the other four categories? Well, they’re just kinda “turning up”.

Would you like to know what those 6 categories are?

OK. In short:
  1. The incompetent, uncommitted and disengaged. They hate the fact that you have what they don’t – passion, vision, direction, drive – and will actively sabotage your efforts and those of anyone else in the business who is following you. They don’t care what you’re trying to build and refuse to give an inch more than they can be legally forced to do. They average around 20% of any employee pool worldwide.
  2. The incompetentcommitted and disengaged. They need training, would take it if offered, but don’t have a clue what you or your business is about – because you haven’t communicated that in a way that they can understand or relate to. So they are disengaged, waiting to be engaged, after which they’ll see the point in training so that they can contribute to your Vision. They are a sleeping resource.
  3. The incompetentcommitted and engagedThey get it (your Vision)! They burn to be a part of it! They burn to learn. Better start training them right now!
  4. The competentuncommitted and disengagedThey can do the job, but will find 100 excuses as to why is not their responsibility, against the rules, beyond the pale, etc. Everything is a burden and an imposition. They have a very high opinion of their worth to your business, but don’t add value to anywhere near that degree. Maybe they don’t get what you’re about because you’ve never sold them on the Vision. Maybe they don’t care. Their job exists for their ends and convenience and you’d better not intrude. Time to put out the invitation to get involved or get out. There is a foolproof way of handling these folk, and it has a zero risk factor of retribution. 30% of the working population fall into this category.
  5. The competentcommitted and disengagedThese folk are keen on doing the right thing, love their job but haven’t a clue what you’re about because you haven’t sold them on your Vision, invited their participation and brought them on board. Waiting resource, ready to go – just waiting for the invitation.
  6. The competentcommitted and engaged. These are the workhorses. They are also the “flogging horses” in the sense that you load them up with all the work because you know they’ll do it and do it well. There are around 20% of these guys and gals in any working population. There may be more or less than that in your team, but they won’t stay if they don’t thing you are as good at your job as they are at theirs – or at least care more than they do. There are some essential secrets to keeping them on board, getting more of them and replacing just about every other type with them.

For the answers on how to get more Type 6 people in your business, order Solving the People Puzzle.

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