Time Management For Time Poor Managers
But that’s rare because we’ve found the answer if not to killing all the alligators, at least to corralling them so that they can be processed one by one into first-class luggage.
With every new coaching Client, we install our proprietary Time Management System as the first step in enabling them to become more effective and efficient in managing the tasks that stand between them and managing their business. Part of that system entails using a Daily Worksheet to list, prioritise and manage their tasks and to record a few short reflections on the lessons of the day.
I receive a copy of each clients’ worksheets each day as a by-product of this process, and these not only provide me with unique insights into their days that add traction to my coaching sessions with them, but they frequently reinforce the awesome power of the simple changes we guide our clients to make to the way they manage.
One coaching Client jotted a note last week, “This is getting to be fun. My team leaders now pretty well run the weekly staff meetings. Tough things that I used to dread are tabled and dealt with – sometimes pretty brutally – but at the end of the meeting there is usually a solution, and everyone seems to get up happy, and goes back to the job smiling! My involvement these days is mainly asking questions, and then sitting back (grinning on the inside) and watching them solve the problems! I’m enjoying myself!”
Another wrote, “I’m sitting here smiling because my key people are now weeding the garden.” I knew what she meant, and it had nothing to do with horticulture.
If you’d like to gain some time to start draining the swamp, better give us a call.