Understanding Business Stress And Challenges

  • You are a ‘camel’ (we all are) so you know that no single straw weighs much on its own but you know that it pays to count the straws!
  • The temperature is rising just now so if you can stick in the pot longer than the other frogs – but not long enough to get cooked – you’ll win the pot!
  • Men are lousy at sensing stress because they are biologically programmed to ignore it so as to persist in the hunt and feed the tribe. Fellas, that’s why it’s smart to ask a woman about your stress levels now and again!
  • Fire tempers steel; business tempers people. Nothing’s surer!
  • If becoming a millionaire was easy, everyone would be one!
  • If everyone got to the top of the mountain, the view would be lousy!
  • Before you take on a new task, ask yourself what task you’re going to put down first!
  • Death is Nature’s way of telling you to slow down – look for earlier signs!
  • No dying man ever said that he wished he’d spent more time at the office.
  • To be young again, put yourself in the hands of a child – play in their world and by their rules for an entire day.

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